Wednesday 3 September 2014

"Στην άκρη των χειλιών το ναι" Part 9

The ninth, and final part of the documentary deals with how it is not a good thing to senselessly wipe out historical artifacts such as these buildings, but that the overriding factor in all of this comes down to money. It is also typical of Greece that there is no museum of cultural revolutions and wars that took place, and left their mark on the country, unlike other European nations. It is also stated that a city without an history is a city that cannot survive in the long term. I hope that you have found this documentary to be both stimulating, thought-provoking, and interesting. It presents another side to the refugee experience of the Greek people of Asia Minor, and how this horrific event in Greek history still influences what is taking place in Greece to the present day.

Monday 1 September 2014

"Στην άκρη των χειλιών το ναι" Part 8

The solutions presented to the issue of what will happen to the buildings is one that appears to favour the interests of certain business groups, and not the population, or the city as a whole. Despite this, many inhabitants are adamant that they wish to remain in the buildings. They not only have a sentimental attachment to the building, as they were raised there, but it is also a connection to their parents and families who have long since passed on. The razing of old buildings and the erection of new multi-storey buildings, though, is a common incident, as many aristocratic houses fell, and keeping falling to the same fate many times. Please enjoy part eight of this multi-part series.